Not sure what pension you are in?
As a past employee you can access your pension account at any time by accessing Fidelity’s PlanViewer.
You’ll be entitled to use the funds built up in your Pension Account from age 55 (the current minimum pension age. This is increasing to 57 with effect from 6 April 2028).
No further contributions will be paid in and your Pension Account will remain invested in the funds you choose and will be used to provide benefits at your retirement. The value of your fund may increase or decrease. As the investment options can change from time to time, it is good to review where you are invested from time to time. More information on the funds available and the BNP Paribas Lifestyle options can be found online on Fidelity PlanViewer.
If you don’t make a decision on how your Pension Account is invested, it will automatically be invested in the Scheme’s default Drawdown Lifestyle option. Drawdown means you leave your post invested, but draw down lump sums, as and when you decide. Lifestyle options automatically allocate your Pension Account as you approach your Target Retirement Age so that your Pension Account is invested in a range of funds, which are considered suitable for accessing your Pension account, by your chosen method (drawing down income is assumed for the default).
You can select a Target Retirement Age in PlanViewer but if you don’t, the default Target Retirement Age of 65 will be used.
Need some advice?
If you’d like some advice about your own situation you should consider speaking to a financial adviser. To find a financial adviser in your area visit